On Fri Aug 29 13:14:19 2008, ronaldxs wrote:
> > $  < empty ./perl6 -e 'say split("\n", $*IN.slurp)' # but this fails
> Two proposed patches attached.  The patch to src/pmc/parrotiio.pmc seems
> to fix the problem as originally stated.  Then the patch to
> languages/perl6/src/classes/Str.pir seems to fix 'say
> $*IN.slurp.split("\n")'.  If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks for the patches! The first one to ParrotIO, I fully agree with so
I have applied it in r30981 (if you slurp an empty file, the empty
string would seem a much more sensible and predictable result than a
NULL string, which suggests something went wrong with the read). And
this fixes the test that was originally submitted for this ticket. :-)

The second patch was not quite correct - we need to have it :multi for
when we implement the regex variant. I changed it to:

.sub 'split' :method :multi('String')

So it's a bit more liberal about what sorts of strings it gets for now.



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