On Tue Sep 16 05:36:02 2008, stifynsemons wrote:
> In r31096, use allows a program to use module A and module B, and allows
> module B to use module A, when module A defines a method as long as all
> three files are in the same directory.  However, when you try and put
> A and module B in the Lib subdirectory and use them as Lib::A and Lib::B,
> then rakudo complains with:
> A method named 'test' already exists in class 'A'. It may have been
> by a role.
> current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalpmc' pc 10631758 ((unknown
> file):-1)
> perl6(18090) malloc: *** error for object 0x315ad60: double free
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Segmentation fault
> The attached file illustrates the problem.
I unpacked those and ran it, and it runs without errors now (I added a
print statement in test.p6 to make sure that it actually survived too!)
I did a fix for a related issue earlier today, so that one may have done
it, or it may have been something someone else did. But this appears to
be resolved.



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