# New Ticket Created by  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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10:04 < moritz_> rakudo: say (<a b c> Z 1..10).perl
10:05 < p6eval> rakudo 33300: OUTPUT[elements() not implemented in class
'Range'#current instr.: 'infix:Z' pc 4039 (src/gen_builtins.pir:2555)#]
10:05 < moritz_> rakudo: say (<a b c> Z list(1..10)).perl
10:05 < p6eval> rakudo 33300: OUTPUT[["a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3]#]

So infix:<Z> doesn't seem to like Range objects

(sorry, the copy & paste substituted the newline character with #, I'm on an
 UTF-8 deprived terminal rights now :-/ )

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