Thanks for the answer,

Therefore we'll keep eyes open when the speed improves a little bit.
Because all what Damian showed us last week was just astonishing!

But unfortunately, we have little problems here with less than thousands of input in our domain of life science.

looking at the raduko web site lokks to be the place where to be aware of what is happening.

Thanks again for all the effor tyou put in


On Aug 24, 2009, at 7:00 PM, Moritz Lenz via RT wrote:

On Mon Aug 24 03:06:31 2009, alex_mass wrote:
so I made 4 files, with 1, 10, 100 ... 10000  lines (text, approx 100
char per line)
code timings (with the command) for i in 1 10 100 1000 10000; do echo
"number of lines=$i"; time ./ </tmp/a-$i.txt; done

"user" time is reported, in seconds

nblines perl 5  perl 6  `wc -l`
1               .011    .96             .001
10              .005    1.0             .001
100             .005    1.3             .000
1000    .005    4.4             .001
10000   .015    36              .002

Well, is there a problem here, or just something I have not understood

Rakudo is currently much slower (typically a factor 500) than Perl 5.
That's know and being worked on.

(I hoped for ($*IN.lines)->$line wa doing some lazy reading, no?)

It should, but it's not yet implemented.


Go North! Go Wild! Fram!

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