# New Ticket Created by  Elizabeth Mattijsen 
# Please include the string:  [perl #118037]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=118037 >

[23:54:47] <lizmat>      r: my %h{Any}; %h{Any}=1; say (%h{Any}:p).perl; my 
@a=Any; say @a.perl; say (%h{@a}:p).perl
[23:54:49] <+camelia>    rakudo 9c5650: OUTPUT«Any => 1␤Array.new(Any)␤use of 
uninitialized value of type Any in string context  in block  at 
[23:55:32] <lizmat>      it looks like doing a slice out of an object hash with 
Any as a key, is not returning the right thing  :-(
[23:55:57] <lizmat>      it works with a scalar:
[23:56:05] <lizmat>      r: my %h{Any}; %h{Any}=1; say (%h{Any}:p).perl; my 
@a=Any; say @a.perl; say (%h{@a[0]}:p).perl
[23:56:07] <+camelia>    rakudo 9c5650: OUTPUT«Any => 1␤Array.new(Any)␤Any => 
[23:56:26] <lizmat>     masak: rakudobug ?
[23:56:50] <lizmat>      (if you agree, I will make it a rakudobug)
[00:00:34] <masak>       lizmat: looking, trying to understand with my feeble 
$work-addled mind.
[00:01:08] <masak>       lizmat: yes, that looks buggy.
[00:01:17] <lizmat>      still golfing down
[00:01:47] <lizmat>      r: my %h{Any}; %h{Any}=1; say %h{Any}:exists
[00:01:49] <+camelia>    rakudo 9c5650: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of 
type Any in string context  in block  at /tmp/6PK2DrIS7m:1␤␤False␤»
[00:02:06] <lizmat>     masak: I think that's the problem
[00:02:18] <masak>       lizmat: agreed.
[00:02:29] <lizmat>      r: my %h{Any}; %h{Any}=1; say %h{Any}; say 
[00:02:30] <+camelia>    rakudo 9c5650: OUTPUT«1␤use of uninitialized value of 
type Any in string context  in block  at /tmp/30nteXxcOh:1␤␤False␤»
[00:02:47] lizmat        submits rakudobug
[00:02:51] <masak>       yeah, that's self-contradictory.
[00:02:54] <masak>       lizmat++

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