Hi Tom,

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 09:03:17AM -0500, Tom Browder wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Tobias Leich <em...@froggs.de> wrote:
> > Please also take a look at $*EXECUTABLE, $*PROGRAM and $*PROGRAM_NAME.
> Tobias, I didn't find $*PROGRAM in the doc listed by Paul:
>   http://doc.perl6.org/language/variables#Special_Variables
> Also, the following were not in:
>   http://tablets.perl6.org/appendix-a-index.html
> that I could find.

the docs at tablets.perl6.org aren't as up to date as those on
doc.perl6.org.  The doc.perl6.org docs are currently the reference work for
Perl6, however please note that they are very much a work in progress.

> From a Perl 6 newbie standpoint, it looks like there are too many docs
> with overlapping purposes referenced on perl.org and which,
> confusingly, have different pieces missing.  Except for the Synopses,
> I'm not sure what document to go to for the definitive answer.  And,
> as usual, I have no suggestions for an easy fix.

This I can understand.  We're doing our best to provide current and
accurate documentation.  Perl6 is a very large language, and thus gaps in
the documentation are to be expected; especially considering the volunteer
based nature of the project.

Thanks for pointing out the $*PROGRAM omission!  I've just added it to the
list of special variables and it should be available online within the next
10-15 minutes.

Kind regards,


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