On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 07:12:00AM -0500, Tom Browder wrote:
I have seen several lists of new Perl 6 features (versus Perl 5) but they
all seem to be lists that intermix features with varying degrees of value
to "ordinary" Perl 5 users.  If one wants to sell long-time Perl 5 users
(already using the latest Perl 5, Moose, etc.) on the value of Perl 6, what
should be on the important feature list?

For me, stronger typing, named subroutine arguments, better classes and
namespaces, object methods, and eventually better concurrency and compiled
program persistence are among goodies long awaited.



The reason for my request is to help with a better introduction in my
modest draft tutorial on converting Perl 5 to Perl 6 code at the Perl
Monastery.  I am comfortable with the example code I use there (which is
not currently intended to showcase new features), but I am getting several
comments on why one should even bother with Perl 6?
In talking to Perl 5 people about my Perl 5 to Perl 6 docuentation,
trying to get some feedback on it from people who aren't already doing
Perl 6, I get this question a lot. So, yes, some kind of document saying
"these are reasons Perl 6 is actually useful" would be very helpful.

Just make them look at Perl6 source code. E.g. on rosettacode. Someone who doesn't see how wonderful Perl6 is, is a lost soul anyway. :)

- Fagzal

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