On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 4:45 AM, Marc Chantreux <kha...@phear.org> wrote:
>complete different usage but it would be nice to have a flag for "use
>strict" both in perl5 and 6

/me nominates -W as "a bigger -w" .. oh wait, -W already exists as a
depreciated-in-my-view perl5 flag.

In that case, I also like "-E" as "run a one-liner, as if it was loaded
from a file" which would disable laxness in one-liners, for those who are
so inclined.

This discussion got me looking at http://design.perl6.org/S19.html which
may need an update, it says perl6 has no "-M" but Rakudo supports it; which
is correct?

Minor note, S19 links to "S16-io" which no longer exists. That link is in
the notes about there being no -0 switch due to a lack of specs in S16.


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