
On 11/28/2015 05:49 PM, Marc Chantreux wrote:
> hello,
> i would like to write a better version of the unix `column` with some
> options like 'preserve separator' so i started to write it down.
> sub padded-cols ($sep,@sheet) {
>     my $fmt =
>         join $sep,
>         @sheet[0].keys.map: 
>             -> $col { "\%-{ [max] @sheet[*;$col].map: *.chars }s" };
>     @sheet.map: {$fmt.sprintf(|$_)}
> }
> my $sep = @*ARGS.shift;
> .say for padded-cols $sep, $*ARGFILES.lines.map: (*.split($sep)).eager;
> now i would like to add options like -mean -max 1:25 and it would be
> nice to write a MAIN function to delegate borring stuff to perl6. 
> i googled, tried to read the doc and grep in roast but i found no way to
> do it. any idea to help me. so thanks thanks for reading and helping.

Since $*ARGFILES (the thing behind lines() for example) uses @*ARGS to
determine what files to open, you can say

sub MAIN(*@*ARGS, Bool :$mean) { ... }


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