# New Ticket Created by  Lloyd Fournier 
# Please include the string:  [perl #126893]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126893 >

perl6 -e 'use Test do { Date.new(year => 2015); ()}'

Default constructor for 'Date' only takes named arguments

This example is fairly golfed, but you can run into this in the wild.

Consider a module that has an EXPORT sub and takes positional arguments. If
you tried to do

use MyModule Date.new( year => 2015) # you will get the error


I don't really get why the arguments to 'use' don't just use normal
invocation semantics, with the positionals taken out and passed to export
and the named used for normal importing.

unless $*IN_DECL eq 'use' || $*IN_DECL eq 'no' || $*IN_DECL eq 'import' ||


This is the line in Actions.nqp that makes 'use' special.

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