@Parrot Raiser and @Luca. I will make sure to add Texan alternatives in case other people need to take over. I use triangle symbols to make internal symmetries in the code visible, and I have no problem pronouning or typing them. The code is substantially more readable with them. The same is true for the mathematical symbols provided by Perl6 itself. I can pick my own tools and I use tools that handle UNICODE well (e.g. Atom).

Am I alone in running into 'Bogus postfix' error when I try to define a method like braveā¤?

Parrot Raiser schreef op 2016-04-12 14:50:
Mathematical symbols might be a legitimate case, since they are
generally pronounceable. Otherwise, special characters cause problems
both in entry from the keyboard and thinking about the code. (What
does it sound like if you describe it to yourself? foo.heart?)

On 4/12/16, Luca Ferrari <fluca1...@infinito.it> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Theo van den Heuvel
<vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl> wrote:


unless you have to process the source code via some other tool that is
unable to understand your symbols.
I tend to refuse to code using more keys than those in my keyboard, my


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