# New Ticket Created by  Christian Bartolomaeus 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128041]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128041 >

Starting with rakudo commit fe2be65806 two tests in S16-io/supply.t start to 
fail with rakudo-j. The following rakudo commit 463e7589a1 seems to change the 
code path for the tests in question, but also makes them fail. Only if one 
reverts both commits, the tests pass again.

The following code is a shortened version of one of the failing tests. Probably 
it could be golfed further.

$ perl6-j -e 'my $f = "foo"; spurt($f,"a"); my $h = open($f); my $s = 
$h.Supply(:size(1),:bin); my $x; $s.tap( { $x = $_ } ); $h.close; my $y = 
Buf[uint8].new(ord "a"); say $x; say $y; say $x eqv $y'

On rakudo-m the last comparison returns True:

$ perl6-m -e 'my $f = "foo"; spurt($f,"a"); my $h = open($f); my $s = 
$h.Supply(:size(1),:bin); my $x; $s.tap( { $x = $_ } ); $h.close; my $y = 
Buf[uint8].new(ord "a"); say $x; say $y; say $x eqv $y'

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