Running the following code with RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 revealed that rakudo-j 
did precompile a module, but was unable to use it afterwards -- and therefore 
removed it:

$ echo '#' > Foo.pm6
$ RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 ./perl6-j -I. -e 'use Foo'

Since that happened with as well, the long spectest runs make sense.

I tried to debug this problem and it looks like FIRST not working on rakudo-j 
is the culprint:

==== start of discussion on IRC -- cmp.
bartolin    nine_, psch: I think I found the cause for one of the precomp 
issues on rakudo-j: the FIRST phaser in
 does not work for rakudo-j. because of that rakudo-j did not load a freshly 
precompiled Module.
bartolin    m: for 1 { FIRST { next }; say "should not be here" } # prints 
"should not be here" on rakudo-j
camelia     rakudo-moar 283b85: ( no output )
timotimo    damn
bartolin    I guess, that's behind my stresstest runs taking 10 hours :-/
timotimo    ;(
bartolin    he, I already put it in RT last november: RT #126701 :-)
synopsebot6 Link:
==== end of discussion on IRC -- powered by

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