On Wed Dec 24 09:45:58 2008, dwh...@nvidia.com wrote:
> Demonstrated by this test:
> <dwhip> rakudo: .say for <A B>.map: { [ .split("") ] }
> <p6eval<irc://freenode/p6eval,isnick>> rakudo 34338:
> <dwhipp> rakudo: .say for <A>.map: { [ .split("") ] }
> <p6eval<irc://freenode/p6eval,isnick>> rakudo 34338: OUTPUT«Method
> 'iterator' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤current instr.:
> 'parrot;Any;map' pc 9625 (src/builtins/any-list.pir:228)␤»

Note that angle brackets don't always form a List -- from S02:

    "But note that under the parenthesis-rewrite rule, a single 
    value will still act like a scalar value.  These are all the same:

        $a = < a >;
        $a = ('a');
        $a = 'a';

So, <A> is really a Str (not a List), and Rakudo complains that there's
no .map method on Str.   I've gone ahead and adjusted things so that an
iterator on a scalar such as Str/Int/Num treats the scalar as a list of
one element.

Closing ticket,


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