Since Rakudo started issuing its own releases independently of Parrot,
we've been using "YYYY-MM" as the version number in the filename
(e.g., the Chicago release was "rakudo-2009-07.tar.gz").  

Unfortunately, the .rpm format doesn't allow hyphens in package
version numbers, so we probably need to switch to something different.  
The "obvious" choices would be things like "2009.07" or "200907", 
but neither of those represent valid ISO8601 formatted dates (the 
hyphened version is a valid date).

Another possibility might be to simply use the sequential release
number as the version number, as in "rakudo-19.tar.gz" or perhaps
"rakudo-19.0.tar.gz" (the ".0" guarding against the possibility 
that someday we may be issuing "bugfix" releases in between 
regular releases).

At the moment I'm leaning towards using "2009.07" and simply accepting
that it's not an ISO8601 valid date.  But I'd like to hear other
opinions as well.

Overall I'm not in favor of any complex version number schemes
(e.g., major.minor.increment) -- simple works best.



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