# New Ticket Created by  Patrick R. Michaud 
# Please include the string:  [perl #68140]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=68140 >

01:38 <colomon> my $out = open "02.pl", :w or die "Unable to open 02.pl: $!\n";
01:39 <colomon> Works if an 02.pl file exists, fails with "Unable to open 
filehandle from path '02.pl' " if it doesn't.
01:46 <colomon> Actually, just realized I'm completely on the wrong track here. 
 One sec.
01:48 <colomon> got it -- was executing the wrong script, so that I was 
executing the script that didn't exist, or was a 0 byte long file.  thus the 
two different results.
01:49 <pmichaud> Yes, I was guessing it was something like that.
01:49 <colomon> not the most intuitive error message for "your script doesn't 
exist", but I'd have known instantly if I hadn't been trying to write a script 
with another script.  :)
01:50 <pmichaud> yes, we should fix that error message.
01:51  * pmichaud files rakudobug


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