On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 04:39:00AM -0700, Carl Mäsak wrote:
> <blixtor> perl6: sub foo { my $s; for 1..3 { $s += $_ } } ; say foo()
> [...]
> <sorear> jnthn: well, in any case, the same underlying LTA is causing both
> <jnthn> I'm just not sure where.
> <jnthn> Anyway, a ticket does no harm and makes sure we don't forget the 
> issue.

I suspect that any block should de-containerize its return value
unless it is somehow declared "is rw".  So in the case above, it's
not the 'for', 'map', or (non-existent) 'take' that is failing to
decontainerize, it's the block argument to 'for' that needs to do it.


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