
thank you very much for the submission, it is greatly appreciated.

We received a second one by IRC, and I plan to compare the two (and
maybe benchmark), and then take the better and/or faster.


On 10/09/2010 11:58 AM, Karthik wrote:
> This is my first try at coding in perl6. I did not understand the part
> in the spec that talks about random splicing of common whitespace chars.
> augment class Str {
> method samespace($other as Str) {
> my @self_ws = self.comb(/s+/);
> my @other_ws = $other.comb(/s+/);
> my @self_nws = self.split(/s+/);
> if (@self_nws.elems >= @other_ws.elems) {
> (@self_nws Z (@other_ws, @self_...@other_ws.elems..(@self_ws.elems-1)],
> "")).join("");
> } else {
> (@self_nws Z (@other_ws[0..(@self_nws.elems-2)]), "").join("");
> }
> }
> }
> --
> Karb
> <http://sigads.rediff.com/RealMedia/ads/click_nx.ads/www.rediffmail.com/signatureline....@middle?>

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