Am 04.02.2011 05:04, schrieb Solomon Foster (via RT):
# New Ticket Created by  Solomon Foster
# Please include the string:  [perl #83356]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.

If I have this:

     class A {
         multi sub infix:<+>(A $a, A $b) is export { say "hello" }

     my A $a .= new;
     say ($a + $a).perl;

I get

Can't take numeric value for object of type A
   in 'Any::Numeric' at line 1456:CORE.setting
   in 'infix:<+>' at line 7454:CORE.setting
   in main program body at line

That's correct behaviour. Multis are lexical by default (just like ordinary only-subs), so the availability of the new infix:<+> outside the class would be a bug.


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