err leme try that again

Precomp is broken for dependency chains 3 or longer when one of the
dependencies down the chain is *changed*.

To expand: Sometimes it gives you a problem where you get "Missing or wrong
version of dependency" and sometimes symbols that should have been merged
from GLOBALish just aren't there which is the case in the example above.

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 11:18 PM Lloyd Fournier <>

> I've been getting something similar and I've managed to golf it.
> mkdir lib;
> echo 'class One { }; need Two;' > lib/One.pm6
> echo 'class Two { }; need Three;' > lib/Two.pm6
> echo '' > lib/Three.pm6
> perl6 -Ilib -e 'need One; say (GLOBAL::<One>:exists ?? "OK" !! "NOT OK")'
> echo "changing file" && touch lib/Two.pm6 # Three.pm6 will also break
> perl6 -Ilib -e 'need One; say (GLOBAL::<One>:exists ?? "OK" !! "NOT OK")'
> summary:  Precomp is broken for dependency chains 3 or longer when one of
> the dependencies down the chain is broken.
> Do we have a way of writing tests for precomp?
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 4:23 AM mt1957 <>
> wrote:
>> # New Ticket Created by  mt1957
>> # Please include the string:  [perl #128156]
>> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
>> # <URL: >
>> Hi,
>> I get the following error more often than before after some edits in my
>> source files.
>> Missing or wrong version of dependency
>> '/home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-driver/lib/MongoDB/Wire.pm6
>> (MongoDB::Wire)' (from
>> '/home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/mongo-perl6-driver/lib/MongoDB/Cursor.pm6
>> (MongoDB::Cursor)'
>> A remedy to this is to touch all source files in the library I work on
>> and than retry. I think that this should not happen, at least not that
>> often (I've seen it several times in about a week I think, twice this
>> evening, to give an idea).
>> This is Rakudo version 2016.04-200-gad82657 built on MoarVM version
>> 2016.04-134-g9879233
>> implementing Perl 6.c.
>> Greetings,
>> Marcel

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