Reverted my fix with b00d92d

Suggest we mark this as stalled and/or @LARRY

> On 16 Aug 2016, at 23:11, Zefram <> wrote:
> Brandon Allbery via RT wrote:
>> I think .VAR can remain visible as long as the Scalar can't escape from it.
> What would it yield if not the Scalar?  That's the essence of .VAR
> expressions.  To prevent the Scalar escaping, you can't have that
> available as an expression type.
>> (Although I do wonder whether .VAR is actually Perl 6 as opposed to Rakudo.)
> It's mentioned in the specs.  S12 specifically advertises using it to
> get at Scalar objects.  Scalar containers themselves are mentioned in
> a few places, but not much elaborated on.  As I said, it looks like
> intentional reification.
> -zefram

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