On Fri, 09 Jun 2017 03:42:36 -0700, tbrowder wrote:
> Add a line number method to IO::Handle so that it can be used on demand:
> my $fh = open "some-text", :linenumber, :index1;
> for $fh.lines -> $line {
>     say "$fh.ln";   # output: 1
>     last;
> }

Thank you for the suggestion, however, we're not going to add that feature in 

You can already get line numbering, by typing even fewer characters than what 
your example demonstrates:

    for 1..* Z "some-text".IO.lines -> ($ln, $line) {
        say $ln; # output: 1

As you can see. It works without even involving the filehandle at all.

The problem with adding the method you suggest is it'll give wrong information 
more often than not.

    for $fh.lines »=>» 'a'..'z' {
        say $fh.ln

Above, the method will always return the number of the last line, because the 
hyper is evaluated eagerly.

    for $fh.lines -> $line {
        say $fh.ln;
        say $fh.readchars: 2000;

Above, line numbering will get out of a whack, the second .readchars reads in 
the $.nl-in chars. The solution to that would be to make all read 
operations—even binary—scan their data for $.nl-in strings, which would make 
our slow IO even slower. And it's even more problematic in binary read methods 
since we might not be reading a chunk of valid $.encoding text.

    for "file.txt".IO.lines -> $line {
        say $fh.ln;

And the above won't work at all, since the file handle isn't available.

The aforementioned `1..* Z` method feels a fine solution to me, but if you 
really want the `.ln`
method, create a module that mixes it in. IO::CatHandle::AutoLines does what 
you want for cat 
handles, so you should be able to re-use a lot of its guts.

[1] https://modules.perl6.org/dist/IO::CatHandle::AutoLines

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