On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 02:09:30 -0700, szab...@gmail.com wrote:
> In Python one can pass a string to the exit() function
> Would it be possible to special case

Not really keen on adding special cases to support programming-by-guessing 
instead of reading the documentation.

However, it's worth noting we don't have anything on the same level of 
convenience as Perl's `die "foo\n"`; that is, printing some message to the user 
and aborting the program. `stuff() or (note "foo" and exit 1)` works, but is 
not a very obvious thing to use.

Just thinking aloud:

    stuff() or exit     :note<Some reasons>;
    stuff() or exit 42, :note<Some reasons>;
    stuff() or exit "Some reasons"; # ERROR: exit code status does not appear 
to be numeric; did you mean to use
                                              named `:note` argument to supply 
an exit message instead?

P.S.: currently, there're more confusing errors existing in exit:

    m: my Str $code; exit $code
    rakudo-moar 5e8d46: OUTPUT: «Invocant of method 'Int' must be an object 
instance of type 'Str',
       not a type object of type 'Str'.  Did you forget a '.new'?␤  in block 
<unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»

However, the same exist in many other places:

    m: my Int $foo; say 42 < $foo
    rakudo-moar 5e8d46: OUTPUT: «Invocant of method 'Bridge' must be an object 
instance of type 'Int',
       not a type    object of type 'Int'.  Did you forget a '.new'?␤  in block 
<unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»

So before adding any special cases anywhere, I think we should ask ourselves: 
what ingredients does a PDG (Pretty Damn Good) error message have that we can 
apply consistently on the language level? And then apply that consistently 
throughout all the errors.

LTA errors is a pretty common topic, but we seem to be trying to solve the 
problem by shooting off the hip any time someone brings something up. How about 
a checklist for what an error must accomplish?

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