dogbert++ noticed me that this issue is resolved (according to the provided
snippets). It is indeed so.

Second snippet may need this change:

-return 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'we win';
+return 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ['we win'];

I can confirm that both issues are not reproducible using recent-ish rakudo,
but I can't tell when these problems were fixed. The first problem is not
really reproducible on any rakudo, even the one mentioned in the OP (huh??).
Also, there's some problem using HTTP::Server::Tiny on pre 2015.12 rakudos
(“Supplier” did not exist back then?).

Anyway, marking as 「testneeded」. If anybody wants to find what commit affected
these snippets, I'm pretty sure you'll have to bisect it manually without a

On 2015-11-08 01:11:45, wrote:
> Two async + require bugs. Replace LWP::Simple with whatever you like
> (except for builtins like Test which seem to work no matter what)
> 1. segfault
> Thread.start({ say "entering"; require LWP::Simple; say "leaving" })
> #both enters and leaves but segfault when it's done.
> 2. HTTP::Server::Tiny hangs
> use HTTP::Server::Tiny;
> => 8080).run: sub ($env) {
> note "requiring!";
> require LWP::Simple; # or whatever
> note "we got it!";
> return 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'we win';
> };
> # then curl localhost:8080, you'll only get "requiring!".
> This is perl6 version 2015.10-220-g4988c70 built on MoarVM version
> 2015.10-61-g624d504
> Mac OSX

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