OK, first of all, a bot-friendly (whateverable-friendly specifically) version
of the first snippet is here:

say run(:out, <perl6 -e>, ‘await ^100 .map: -> $i { start { "".match(/ { print
$i } /) } }’).out.slurp-rest eq (^100).join

And that points to the better-sched merge as noted by dogbert++

The second snippet is faulty in a completely different way, but it is also

So the second snippet is living its own life which is probably more interesting
than mine:

On 2015.12 and onwards it was giving False. Then it was fixed (?) in:


and therefore started to give True. However, after this commit it got broken
(?) again:


and therefore started to give False. But it didn't take long to fix that again


and so now it gives True again.

Please write tests for this so that it does not get worse than that :)

***⚠ if you write tests, please test both snippets ⚠***

On 2017-08-09 13:06:46, sml...@gmail.com wrote:
> This bug was found as a side-effect of RT #131870, but might be a
> separate issue:
> ➜ await ^10 .map: -> $i { start { "".match(/ { say $i } /) } }
> 7
> 7
> 6
> 6
> 7
> 8
> 9
> 9
> 9
> 9
> Somehow, multiple iterations see the same value for the closed-over
> variable `$i`.
> Without the `await` and `start`, it prints each number from 0 to 9
> exactly once, like it should.
> ---
> Note that the problem is only with *code blocks* inside regexes. When a
> lexical variable is interpolated into the top-level of a regex directly,
> things seem to work fine:
> ➜ say await ^10 .map: -> $i { start { "0123456789".match(/ $i /) } }
> (「0」 「1」 「2」 「3」 「4」 「5」 「6」 「7」 「8」 「9
> ---
> Bot-friendly version that reliably prints `False`, even though it should
> print `True`:
> my $c = Channel.new; (await ^100 .map: -> $i { start "".match(/ {
> $c.send: $i } /) }); $c.close; say $c.sort.list eqv (^100).list;
> According to bisectable6 and committable6 this prints `False` for all
> past Perl 6 releases, so it's not a regression but rather an old bug.

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