I was going to suggest that your zef may be too old and doesn't yet know how to handle the "+" in the dependency version. However, I don't see any module in the
ecosystem use the `0.0.7+` as version requirement any more (I know we had
one in the past, but I'm now unsure whether zef was taught to handle it or
whether the author simply reverted to simpler dependency specification).

You could try running:

    zef update
    zef upgrade zef

The first command will refresh zef's local information about available
modules and maybe it'll realize that module with "0.0.7+" version is no longer
required by another module. The second command will upgrade zef to latest version.

If you get any issues with the upgrade step, you can uninstall zef entirely and
install it from the repo (run commands in some temporary directory):

    zef uninstall zef
    git clone https://github.com/ugexe/zef.git .
    perl6 -Ilib bin/zef install .

if you don't have `git` installed, you can just download and unpack the code
manually from https://github.com/ugexe/zef/archive/master.zip

Quoting Theo van den Heuvel <vdheu...@heuvelhlt.nl>:

Hi guys,

Using zef to install I got many errors like:

Could not find JSON::Marshal:ver<0.0.7+> at line 77 in: ...

which disappeared as soon as I had installed JSON::(Name, Marshal and Unmarshal).
I use 31028.04.01 on Ubuntu 16.04.


Theo van den Heuvel
Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy

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