>>>>> "JH" == Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JH> I agree with Dan: people do seem to get into "have to" mode awfully
JH> soon and easily.  The proposed framework is supposed to make it easy
JH> to handle file names and make Perl internals (well, not internal-
JH> internals, but the IO layer) better support multiplatform situations,
JH> both when scripts have to run on multiple platforms, and when
JH> an application is running on multiple platforms _simultaneously_,
JH> servers-clients, peers-peers, etc.

Fine. Then all the 'parts' of a generic filename (or should that be
a resource name) are pure strings?

Who supplies the logic to scrunch them together into an understandable
(to the os) form?

And how do we make it easy to pass in a name to open?

        $fh = open Perl::Canonical(Host=>"remote"
                                    ,Device=> "DAO"
                                    ,Path=>("path", "to", "resource")
                                    ,Name=> "filename"
                                    ,Version=> ":oldest"

Seems messy.

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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