>>>>> "NT" == Nathan Torkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

NT> I take this oblique comment to mean that it'd bloat the op-tree too
NT> much?

NT> I was thinking of this over lunch.  I want to be able to strip the
NT> instruction sequence of line number, package, etc. information, in the
NT> name of a smaller memory footprint and smaller distributed bytecode.
NT> It'd make debugging tricky, but if there was still a sequence number
NT> ("error at opcode #1590") preserved, the user could produce an
NT> unstripped executable and then use the sequence number to see where
NT> the problem was.

I don't see the problem. Seperate the location from the optree.

The optree is opimized up the gazoo. A seperate table, which would be
paged out as not needed until the problem strikes, would have the
cross reference between line numbers/files and op code

File cross-reference (might be just the %INC)

        file#, filename

        from, to, file#, line#

If the optimizer moves some opcodes around, it would slice and dice
the relevent offset records to keep track.

(I saw this in the Stratus VOS compiler/linker)

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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