Simon Cozens:
# On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 02:51:35PM -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
# > So, something more like this?
# Urh, how can I put this? No.
# I *really* want to avoid macro hackery - undef'ing this and
# then testing if it's defined and then redefining it, and
# urgh, urgh, urgh. No.
# I was thinking more like:
# > +++     Tue Sep 18 14:48:26 2001
# > @@ -59,12 +59,13 @@
# >  #
# >
# if ($Config{dispatch} eq "fpointer") {
# >  print INTERP <<EOI;
# > -#define DO_OP(w,x,y,z) do { \\
# > -    x = (void *)z->opcode_funcs; \\
# > -    (void *)y = x[*w]; \\
# > -    w = (y)(w,z); \\
# > - } while (0);
# >  EOI
# } elsif ($config{dispatch} eq "switch") {
#    print INTERP <<EOI;
# #define DO_OP(w,x,y,z) do { \\
#     switch(*w) {...\\
# ...
# } elsif ( ...

Okay, that's actually not too hard--just add a 'use Parrot::Config;' to
the top and check something in %PConfig.  Alright.

--Brent Dax

They *will* pay for what they've done.

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