On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 02:49:58PM +0100, Leon Brocard wrote:
> How about an examples/ directory in the CVS tree?

I'd rather we didn't do this; I don't want to clutter up Parrot
with auxilliary stuff.

> Alternatively, I
> could set up a "learning parrot assembler" website of some sort,

This would be better. I'd been thinking about registering parrotcode.org
or something.

> although Simon's recent article on perl.com was damn good.

Thank you. I wasted a lot of time trying to implement a prime factoring
algorithm before realising it couldn't be done with our current range of ops;
I forget exactly why.

I washed a sock.  Then I put it in the dryer.  When I took it out, it was gone.
        -- Steven Wright

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