On Thu, 2001-09-20 at 16:46, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 04:54 PM 9/20/2001 -0500, Brian Wheeler wrote:
> >Since all benchmarks are crap anyway, I've written a test which tells
> >the average number of instructions per second.  On my athlon 700 I get
> >3966053 instructions per second and on my PIII 866 I get 5081485
> >instructions per second.  Do those sound like reasonable numbers?  Of
> >course, since time_i is one of the opcodes looped, it probably brings
> >the numbers down.
> That's actually what test.pasm tests. :) I just checked in a new version 
> that prints labels.

Yeah, I realized that _as soon as I posted it_.  Doh!  Heheh, for the
longest time I thought test.pasm just did "stuff" for a while.  Anyway,
it started out as an implementation of the bogomips.c program and slowly
became this.

> FWIW, my 600MHz Alpha clocks in at around 23M ops/sec. Nyah! ;-P

I get 10M ops/sec on the Athlon 700 using test.pasm.  time_i is a
killer, especially judging by the difference in cpu usage (test.pasm is
nearly 100% user, and mine is 75/25 user/system)

The 866 machine gets 15M.  Maybe when/if I get my 1.26GHz machine at
work I'll be able to match you :)


>                                       Dan
> --------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
> Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
>                                       teddy bears get drunk

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