> so please note that destruction is not collection and they are and can
> be separately controlled. you have to stop thinking c++ (which will
> probably NOT be directly supported by parrot) and think perlish (or
> as other dynamic langs) more. perl doesn't have a delete thing and
> doesn't need one. it can detect DoD on its own and then let parrot GC
> them later. memory usage and objects are not the same.

Well, I'm not really interested in Perl at all. If all Parrot can do is
allow me to write a languge that is basically Perl, then I'm not interested
in Parrot either.

I think it may be a good idea to wait until the Parrot folks have their
product and web site a little better documented and aren't under such


                    Uri Guttman                                                        
                    <uri@stemsyste       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                
                    ms.com>              cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
                                         Subject:     Re: How Powerful Is Parrot? (A 
Few More Questions)           
                    01/25/02 11:49                                                     
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to Uri Guttman                                                     

>>>>> "DL" == David Leeper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DL> If I know what I want to destroy and when, can I just turn off
  DL> automatic garbage collector/memory compactor and send it instructons
  DL> what I want deleted?

i have to jump in here because i am seeing the classic discussion of A
and B and they are not the same things. in parrot, GC is separated from
DoD. you seem to always conflate the two. in general destruction is not
related to GC, it is used to clean up stuff like file handles, complex
objects, deal with persistance etc. a destroyed object may have its
space reclaimed at some future time. destruction is more of a language
feature and GC is more of a VM feature. they are not the same thing and
you shouldn't keep talking about them as if they are con-joined
twins. you can cause object destruction when you want in most langs that
parrot will support. and you can probably initiate a GC pass from most
langs if they have an API to get into parrot's GC. but you don't have to
do one to do the other. many heap allocated things won't be objects
(buffers, strings, etc.) and will be purely GC'ed as needed. some
objects can be destroyed simply when their context exits (e.g. leaving a
block and destroying any my'ed objects which are dead). those will then
be marked for later GC.

so please note that destruction is not collection and they are and can
be separately controlled. you have to stop thinking c++ (which will
probably NOT be directly supported by parrot) and think perlish (or
as other dynamic langs) more. perl doesn't have a delete thing and
doesn't need one. it can detect DoD on its own and then let parrot GC
them later. memory usage and objects are not the same.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --------
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