On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 07:00:57AM -0800, Charles Bunders wrote:
> Checking some things by compiling and running another small C program (this
> could take a while):
>   Building ./testparrotsizes.c            from testparrotsizes_c.in...
> #include "parrot/parrot.h"
> ..^
> %CC-F-NOINCLFILEF, Cannot find file "parrot/parrot.h" specified in #include
> directive.
> at line number 9 in file TESTPARROTSIZES.C;1
> C compiler died! at (eval 1) line 13.
> %RMS-E-FNF, file not found

This problem came up a few weeks ago.
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08963.html

If I'm reading it correctly, it seems one can't mix Unix and VMS path
styles between your INCLUDE_DIRECTORY and header files.

So this combination will work:

    CC/DECC /INCLUDE=("./include") testparrotsizes.c

    #include "parrot/parrot.h"

but this will not:

    CC/DECC /INCLUDE=("[.include]") testparrotsizes.c

    #include "parrot/parrot.h"

which just seems wrong.  It has to be wrong, because Perl5 builds with
things like:


Ahh, here's something I didn't notice before.  compiletestc() is
coming from hints/vms.pl.  It's different from the one in Configure.pl
most significantly in that it doesn't tell you what the command was.

Fixing that, we get:

C compiler died!  Command was 'CC/DECC 

now what's that "/here" thing doing there?  Taking it out doesn't fix

I'm stumped.  I'll go ask on VMSperl.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
I'm successful because I'm lucky.   The harder I work, the luckier I get.

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