> But what about setting size on multdimensional PMC's
> would it also be:
>   set P0,5,5,5 
> assembler.pl would try to call 
>   set_p_ic_ic_ic  
> This will break things when having N dimensions..

I don't see how it could possible be workable
to have all the indices listed out in the instruction...
since the possible number of dimensions is >>1
(no, not right-shift 1)
That's too many instructions and an onerous and
arbitrary limitation.

That's why I proposed the index vector PMC type.
Gather all the indices up into a single thing.
(Well, not a separate type, necessarily, but a
special use for an array (or tuple) variable.)

  # P0[1][3][5] = 7;
  set P1, 0, 1
  set P1, 1, 3
  set P1, 2, 5
  set P0, P1, 7

And if the length of the vector doesn't match
the dimensionality of the array, throw up.


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