On Aug-08, Peter Gibbs wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Peter Gibbs 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #16077]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=16077 >
> Attached patch implements Dan's new 'assign Px,Py' opcode, which basically
> does Px->vtable->set_pmc(Py).
> set_pmc has been implemented in perlundef, perlint, perlnum, perlstring
> Also, all changes of destination vtables have been removed from the above
> vtable - PMCs of those four types now retain their types permanently.
> This required some significant alterations to pmc.t, as a lot of the tests
> assumed that PMCs would morph themselves. A test for 'assign' for
> the supported PMC types has also been added to pmc.t.
> PerlUndef now silently ignores all set operations, much as the Perl5 'undef'
> does when used as an lvalue. This could also be a singleton PMC ??

I applied the safe bits of this patch. The semantics of this are still
being hashed out. I will tag this in RT as applied, but not resolved.

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