# New Ticket Created by  raptor 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22873]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22873 >

hi there,

I'm just tring to make a parrot ebuild for Gentoo linux but one thing
bugs me out i.e. :

tmp# ebuild /usr/portage/dev-perl/parrot/parrot-0.0.10-r1.ebuild compile
cd docs && make && cd ..
make[1]: Entering directory
`/var/tmp/portage/parrot-0.0.10-r1/work/parrot-0.0.10/docs' perldoc -u
../lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm > packfile-perl.pod Superuser must not run
/usr/bin/perldoc without security audit and taint checks. make[1]: ***
[packfile-perl.pod] Error 255 make[1]: Leaving directory
`/var/tmp/portage/parrot-0.0.10-r1/work/parrot-0.0.10/docs' make: ***
[docs/.dummy] Error 2
!!! ERROR: dev-perl/parrot-0.0.10-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 14, Exitcode 2
!!! (no error message)
As u may see the problem is when docs-generation is done ... the
"perldoc -U" has to be used in docs/Makefile so the generation pass
At the moment it is "perldoc -u"

Could u correct this.... thanx alot in advance.

One more thing could u point me where I can find info about the last
step i.e. "make install" or at least some info which files has to be
copied into the running system... 
In Gentoo /var/tmp/portage/parrot-0.0.10-r1/ is just temporary directory
where the packge is compiled and when merged into the live system it is
deleted... so I have to add this final touch to the ebuild process :")
(i.e. merging).


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