On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> >  haskell_parser -> ast -> pirate -> parrot_code --> imcc -> pbc
> >                             ^
> >                             |
> >                   parrot_code__templates
> >                                 
> >                                
> >So the haskell parser only has to generate a pirate ast structure.
> >Either that's a very basic string (I like your XML idea) *or*, in
> >the future, the parser calls pirate tree-building-methods directly.
> I'd much rather go for the AST directly for a number of reasons. Not 
> the least of which is a deep personal loathing for XML, but putting 
> that aside it seems sub-optimal to have a binary structure which we 
> then serialize to text and then deserialize all as part of a single 
> parse and compile stage.  XML has the added disadvantage of needing a 
> good XML parser, which probably means expat or something like it. 
> (Yeah, I know, we could restrict ourselves to a subset of XML so we 
> don't have to have a full parser, but that'll never last--someone'll 
> expand it to a full parser at some point)

Klaas-Jan and I spiked out a prototype last night that took 
s-expressions. We got this working:

   (while (const 1) (pass))

Where While was a class that could be subclassed for PythonWhile
(python has an extra "else" clause in there)

I think everyone agrees that long term, there's no point in 
passing around xml or s-expressions because it'll be dog 
slow, but for now, for prototyping, passing the flattened
AST in as an s-expression on STDIN means that anyone can
write to it and we don't have to worry about a tree-building
interface until after the code is working.

> Going for a full-fledged AST builder/flattener meets some of the 
> long-term goals as well, as it's been planned to be the stage between 
> the parser and IMCC for ages (pretty much since IMCC first appeared) 
> so it'd be worthwhile.

I agree. The main reason to hold off *FOR NOW* is bindings. If
everyone wrote their parsers in C, then we could just use that.
But I don't feel like learning C, so... Right now the code is 
in python. I suspect eventually this will be written in perl6 
or someting. 

> We should consider AST transforms as well, since a number of 
> optimizations are best performed on the AST, and many languages will 
> want to get hold of the AST before it goes any further and process it 
> in some way. (This would be how Lisp macros would act, for example)

Absolutely. I suspect that for python, I'll be turning list
comprehensions into the corresponding "foreach" nodes before
serializing the tree.

> >  > 1.) Instead of forcing the compiler writer to generate code, the
> >>  compiler writer would only have to transform the parse tree into a
> >>  structure that is name-consistant with the GCG's standard, and then
> >>  use any of a number of existing libraries to dump the tree as
> >>  YAML/XML.
> >
> >I like it! :)
> This'd be a cool thing to be sure, and useful as a human-readable 
> form. (Though I'd prefer the AST that's frozen into the bytecode be 
> in a form that's more efficient to deserialize) I'd best go and 
> update the license terms then, to make sure there aren't any 
> problems. (Old issues raised by GCC an age ago)

I'm not sure I follow this.

Michal J Wallace
Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
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