The issues WRT the union initializer are gone now (can people please test, if the program below compiles cleanly now) - but:

- make_COW_* sets flag on the source string [1]
- if that is solved (with a special RO flag, or whatever) we have:
- string_make sets a default type and encoding if these arguments were NULL. These constant strings have NULL for encoding/type so during string_append as the encodings differ transcode is called - next SIGSEGV with NULL encoding pointer.

So using these .rodata-constant STRINGs needs a lot of work.
- COW code (there are problems with COWed stacks anyway)
- transcoding stuff (should be changed to use {strstart, byteidx} and do something about default vs NULL type/encoding.


[1] this was called via string_copy in the spf_vtable code (I don't see the point, why a string should be copied just to print it - removed)

#include "parrot/parrot.h" #include "parrot/embed.h"

#  define GC_DEBUG_VERSION ,0

#define PCONCAT(b,c) _Parrot_static_##b##c
#define PARROT_DECLARE_STATIC_STRING(name, cstring) \
   static const char PCONCAT(name,_cstring) * = cstring; \
   static const struct parrot_string_t \
      PCONCAT(name,_STRING) = { \
      { /* pobj_t */ \
         {{ \
            (void*)PCONCAT(name,_cstring), \
            sizeof(PCONCAT(name,_cstring)) \
         }}, \
         PObj_constant_FLAG \
      }, \
      sizeof(PCONCAT(name,_cstring)), \
      (void*)PCONCAT(name,_cstring), \
      sizeof(PCONCAT(name,_cstring)) - 1, \
      NULL, \
      NULL, \
      0 \
   }, * const name = &PCONCAT(name,_STRING)

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int dummy_var; struct Parrot_Interp * interpreter; PARROT_DECLARE_STATIC_STRING(mystr, "some string here");

    interpreter = Parrot_new();
    Parrot_init(interpreter, (void*) &dummy_var);
    PIO_printf(interpreter, "%S\n", mystr);
    return 0;

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