Juergen Boemmels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If our DoD is no longer walking the C stack, then stacktop should no
>> longer be needed.  Until the code is changed, just pass NULL.

> AFAIK, the stack is still walked. (I don't like this but thats a
> diffrent story). So Parrot_init() should be called with a real
> stacktop.  A typical codefragment to do this is:

The stack is walked, but only from bottom up to the stack at run-loop
level (at least it should be, lo_var_ptr isn't set properly yet).
The extra argument for Parrot_init can go away. There is nothing
unanchored on the stack, when the interpreter starts running.

> bye
> boe


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