Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Every PMC should have a next_for_GC pointer. You moved it to the ext
> structure, ...

I moved it there for a good reason: speed. The smaller a PMC the faster
is the interpreter.

> ... but it's there, and they all ought to have one. Any PMC that
> gets frozen *will* have one, as it needs to have it for traversal to work
> properly.

Ok. Its a macro and back again in a second *if* needed.

>> Using the DOD functionality doesn't match freeze, thaw, dump at all and
>> interferes with DOD runs.

> Oh, nonsense, it doesn't at all interfere with things.

Calling mark sets the live flag on PMC headers. When you use mark() you
have to reset the whole arena after a single clone. I expect a lot of
clone()s to be emitted by the HLL.

If we don't use mark() we are almost at my proposal: have an extra
traverse() vtable, that gets a vtable pointer doing freeze, thaw, clone,
or dump. If you want to have a general traverse() for DOD too (currents
mark?) then you have to pass in a function pointer - or put each and
every item on the next_for_GC list.

When you have a PerlArray containing 100.000 plain PerlInts, you have
your linked list with 100.001 entries or one entry. You have polluted
caches or not - that's it (I'm speaking of DOD here).

> ... I designed it with
> this as one of the applications for the DOD system. It should also work
> reasonably well for destruction ordering. If it's been changed in a way
> that makes this untenable, it needs to be fixed so it does.

Or the design ;-)

And I still don't see, how you will handle duplicate lookup of
self-referential structures for freeze and thaw with a linked list of
items alone.

>                                               Dan


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