Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ autorun of loaded byte code ]

>>But how to pass arguments then? Init code might need some.

> What arguments, though? This is just a chance to give the segment an
> initialization run, nothing more.

I don't. I don't know, what the autorun should initialize. Do you have
examples, what is/will be accomplished in the init "sub".

>>  > Any objections, or shall I just make this happen?
>>I think a more flexible way is a "magic label", or just "__init" which
>>can be called explictely or even automatic - if such a label exists.

> Ick. No magic labels like that. I'd rather set it so we start
> executing at the beginning with some set parameters or something, and
> for segments with no initialization they can just ret back out or
> something. (I'm not sure full-on calling conventions are required
> here, but then I'm not sure they aren't either)

Why calling conventions if there are no parameter to pass in/out :-)
Ok, the init code must return, so either "ret" or "invoke P1". But if
there is nothing to be done for init, this is just wasting cycles and
I don't see, why we shouldn't use a scheme like done in dlopen(3):

,--[ dlopen(3) ]---------------------------------------------------
|        If  the  library  exports a routine named _init, then that
|        code is executed  before  dlopen  returns.

We can reserve all uppercase labels for such tasks.

WRT magical symbols. It was already discussed (and I'm leaning to that),
that the main entry to start execution is labeled "_main". (The register
allocator should know, if a subroutine or main is called - at the very
beginning all registers are clear and initialized. This allowes to emit
unitialized warnings and better life analysis of registers.)


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