Leo --

Thanks for taking the time to review and comment.

> > Here's a first version that works with the regular core.
> > You have to explicitly define PARANOID, or the added code
> > won't get compiled.
> It IMHO should be a separate run core, which can be switched to,
> whenever safe execution is desired. Then we want to turn off some
> opcodes especially these, which would allow to escape from the safe
> core. Generally we need a classification of opcodes, so that we can
> disable e.g. all IO cops.

The reason I wrapped the new code in an #ifdef PARANOID is
precisely so that you could use cc -o to override the object
file name and build two different .o files (one paranoid and
one not) from a single source file. Of course, there are probably
other things that need to be done, but I didn't want to make
2 * N new .c files to get paranoid versions of the N core .c
files now.

> WRT implementation: Putting the register range check in each opcode
> function just blows the core size. Its much simpler to have one central
> place to inspect the program code.
> I'd use the switched core (or better a safe switched core derived from
> it) as the base. Its a predereferenced core, so during safe prederef
> some of these checks can be done in advance.

I thought about prederef a bit right before submitting this, and
I think the prederef code path is a great place to do the checks.
In fact, I'm wondering if the prederef process shouldn't just do
the paranoid checks always, since the point of its process is to
make one slightly slower pass through things so that subsequent
passes can get a speed boost. Maybe it won't be too much of a hit
to leave PARANOID as a built-in part of it always.

> While its seems legitimate to check P and S registers for
> NULL, its suboptimal to generally disallow NULL registers. NULL PRegs
> are in use e.g. for C<dlfunc> and if the code allows execution of dlfunc
> (probably not but ...) a NULL value for the dl-handle is valid.

Only 'in' S and P registers are being checked for NULLness.
I looked at dlfunc, and I think the right code is being
generated for PARANOID. Maybe you could post a code snippet
to point out where it is wrong...

> And finally composite keys may have registers too.

I have to admit I don't know much about the way the keyed stuff
works. It appeared in Parrot after my big push of effort. I've
been wanting to integrate it into Jako as a way of learning how
it works, but alas my supply of tuits has been very low for
some time.


-- Gregor

Gregor Purdy                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Focus Research, Inc.               http://www.focusresearch.com/

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