In the past couple of years we've seen several sub-projects pop-up
and subsequently fizzle out (maybe due to Parrot slow
progress or maybe due to lack of critical mass).

I propose creating 'parrot-compilers' as a general
purpose list for any and all language development
(until an appropriate time where said language outgrows the
list maybe...). This might allow many small projects to
feed off the collective energy of other small projects.

I also volunteer to maintain and mail the FAQ out monthly,
which is something I always liked about comp.compilers.

The list would center around IMCC and higher up the
compiler stack with the addition of various other topics that might
not be specific to Parrot. Also it would, by namesake, be
language neutral and might bring more people in from
non-Perl camps as well as give some of us compiler
enthusiasts a place to have our long drawn out spam^H^H^H^Hdiscussions
without drowning the mailboxes of the general VM population.


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