Hi Pete,

Looks like what you really need is a good way for IMC to handle:

1) Globals
2) Package (or file local) variables
3) Class definitions (with class "locals" or fields)

All of these are planned, right now the only equivalent to 'local int a'
in your code sample is a global variable.

Hopefully very soon I will have addressed the missing features.

However, if giving up IMCC's register allocator is worth gaining
the extra control of PASM, by all means do it,  however I'm all ears
on suggestions for IMCC for features. *hint*


11/29/2003 07:51 AM

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Why are .sub and compilation unit one and the same thing?

Am I missing a trick here, thinking it would be better to allow eg:

                 .local int a
                 .sub _get_a
                 return a
                 .sub _set_a
                 restore a

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