At 01:37 AM 12/10/2003 -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
Dan Sugalski writes:
> At 05:14 PM 12/5/2003 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> >     set I2, P1["Foo\x00i"]   # I1 == I2
> >
> >gets currently the attribute idx (0) of "$Foo::i".
> >Q: Should the assembler mangle the "Foo::i" to "Foo\0i"
> I don't like it either, but the alternative is to impose an external
> hierarchic structure. Which we certainly could do, though it may make
> some things more difficult.
> I'm more than willing to entertain arguments for and against the
> hierarchic structure, but we're closing in on the point where we fix
> the scheme and don't change it any more.

I'm not sure mangling is a good idea: think about anonymous classes.  If
we assign a name to each lexical class, then there are problems when one
instance of a class inherits from another instance of the same class.
That is:

    sub make_class(Class $parent) {
        return class is $parent {
            has $.stuff;

    my $class1 = make_class(Object);
    my $class2 = make_class($class1);

So, if you name that lexical class _class_0001 or something,
"_class_0001\0$.stuff" refers to both attributes.

I don't think so. I'm definitely not up to your level regarding Perl6 but I believe
the example you give translates to:

1st call
        return class is Object {
                has $.stuff     # Object::_class_0001::$stuff
2nd call
        return class is "_class_0001" {
                has $.stuff     # Object::_class_0001::_class_0002::$.stuff

No collision.

$class2 has 2 $stuffs but at different class scopes.

I'm also not disagreeing, I prefer a hierarchical approach as well but I need to
take time to formulate a good argument for Dan.

If you generate a name for each instance of a lexical class, you're
setting yourself up for some major runtime cost -- concatenating the
class name to the attribute on each access (or memory cost if you want
to cache).

This is why I don't like the non-hierarchical approach.

There are, of course, disadvantages.  It would be slower for cases where
$something::or::other are acessed a lot, as it's three lookups in the
absence of cache.  Also, it's not as easy to tell where a symbol table

I think this is a Perl6 problem more than a Parrot problem since no matter how many optimizations we add to Parrot, Perl6 may or may not be able to use them due to the dynamic nature it has.

I definitely want to tie namespaces though.

Me 2.


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