At 12:27 PM 12/30/2003 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
IMCC bus errors (at least on OS X) when presented with the construct:

set $P0[$I1], Params[$I1]

This little test program triggers it for me:

 .sub _MAIN prototyped
  .local Array Foo
  .local Array Bar

  set Foo[1], Bar[1]

IMCC also doesn't like the construct:

Foo[1] = Bar[1]

but that's a separate issue.


Traditionally, there is not an instruction of the form above in
intermediate or assembly languages, Parrot is really special. :)

Funny, I get the following on this test program:

error:imcc:op not found 'set_p_p__' (set<3>)

in file 'dan.imc' line 6


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