Hi all,

here is a working version of my new Stream library.
I will add more documentation later this month, the examples should be enough 
to understand the usage.

After using "assign" to attach a source to the stream, you can use the "read" 
method to fetch a string from the stream.
The "connected" method returns 1 if the stream is connected, 0 otherwise.
"read" returns a null string (can be tested with isnull) if the stream end has 
been reached.

The "dump" method calls "read" and prints the result in an escaped form, until 
the stream end has been reached

Please have a look at the examples in examples/streams/


PS: The attached file also contains the needed library/Data/Escape.imc file 
which contains a function that escapes a string (refactored from 

Attachment: Stream.tgz
Description: application/tgz

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