On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 06:30:29PM -0500, Felix Gallo wrote:
> 2.  "perl 6 is a lot cleaner than perl 5".  It's also much, much
> larger than an already very large language.  I've been programming
> and evangelizing Perl in organizations small and gigantic since
> 4.03x, and my eyes just glaze over at all the unnecessarily
> surfaced complexity bound to make reading other people's programs
> finally, at last, literally impossible:
> http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/blog/code/PeriodicTable.html
> I'm not going to use perl 6.

I doubt anyone will. We'll all be using subsets.

Of course the subset that I use will probably be different from the
subset used by the authors of the modules I'll be using. That's
a potential headache but not a huge problem.

I predict a burst of wild creativity from authors enjoying the
exploration of all the wonderful tools in the perl6 toolbox.

Then, after a year or three of fun, sawn off limbs, and bloodied
fingers (and after a few good books get published) most of us will
converge towards a common subset of accepted good practice.

But we'll know that our new toolbox of choice is far deeper than
our old one and will cope with a far wider range of projects.


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