On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 12:00:20PM -0400, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> Currently, config/gen/makefiles/root.in says:
>   TOUCH      = $(PERL) -e ${PQ}open(A,qq{>>$$_}) or die foreach @ARGV${PQ}
> However, this fails for my source tree.  I habitually leave
> CVS-controlled files write-only until they are locally modified.
> (This is "cvs -r" behavior, also triggered by exporting CVSREAD=1.)
> Perl has a C<utime> operator which should work even when files are
> read-only.  Is there a reason that $(TOUCH) doesn't use it?
> -- 

utime will only work if the file already exists.  The above looks like it
would work to create empty files.

Steve Peters

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