I am delighted to report that the first major milestone of Pugs, version
6.2.0, has been released to CPAN:

    SIZE (Perl6-Pugs-6.2.0.tar.gz) = 642482
    MD5 (Perl6-Pugs-6.2.0.tar.gz) = 8d5438d49db872ffe2394fd4995d335b

It represents the culmination of 71 days of intensive work, by more
than 60 people in our committer team, with nearly 2000 revisions.

According to the roadmap in PA01, this and the next milestone are:

    6.2: Basic IO and control flow elements; mutable variables; assignment.
    6.28: Classes and traits.

In other words, we are now reasonably confident that the basics of
Perl 6 syntax and data structures are in place.  We already have an
object/type system now, and the 6.2.x series will make them available
on the language leve, together with a full-fledged class system.

After this release, I will take a short break from coding Pugs, and
focus on writing "Pugs Apocryphon 2: Design of Pugs". In it I will
explain the relation of the various components in Pugs, as well as how
it relates to Parrot, GHC, and other systems.  Once it is written,
I plan to start working on the IMC subsystem, with the goal of making
Parrot IMC the primary target for the 6.28.0 release.

Again, thanks too all lambdacamels for making this release possible,
and for building this new ship with me.


== Changes for 6.2.0 - April 13, 2005

=== Pugs Internals

* Major refactor of ITypes subsystem, we now have:
** Nested structures: `$a{1}[2]{3}`
** Autovivification: `$a{1}[2]{3} = <b>`
** Tied magic: `%ENV<USER>`
** Proxy scalars: `%ENV<PATH> ~= '/tmp'`
** Slice assignment: [EMAIL PROTECTED],2] = <a b>`
** Anonymous arrays: `[1..10][0] = 0`
** Lazy IArray structures: "Infinite lists, constant time"
** Infinite slices: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** and much much more ...
* Experimental support for link external Haskell libraries
** One such module is SHA1.pm: http://tpe.freepan.org/repos/ingy/SHA1/
* New builtins:
** `sum`, `log`, `log10`, `sign`, `pi`, `tan`, `cos`, `atan`
** `zip`, `hash`, `pair`, `isa`, `bytes`, `chars`, `codes`, `graphs`
* New type specific builtins;
** `.kv`, `.pairs`, `.delete`, `.exists`
** `.pick`, `.keys`, `.values`
* Several file test operators
** `-r`, `-w`, `-x`, `-e`, `-z`, `-s`, `-f`, `-d`
* Support for `$*UID`, `$*EUID`, `$*GID`, and `$*EGID` on *nix
* Stacked file test operators now (mostly) work
* Added `is rw` trait for subroutine parameters
* `$*PID` now works on *nix systems 
* Several command line switches implemented: `-I` `-p` `-n` and more
* `s:perl5/.../{ <code> }/` works correctly
* Type casting errors are now more descriptive
* `require ""` now works on UTF-8 files
* Regex substitution is now UTF-8 safe
* `sort {}` now works
* Some support for the /splat/ star `*` 

=== Tests, Examples and Documentations

* Many new tests and cleaning up of older tests, we now have 4200+
* `examples/games/hangman.p6` added which uses the `AUTHORS` file as
  the dictionary file
* `READTHEM` added; recommended reading for aspiring Pugs hackers
* The Perl 6 Cookbook is well underway at `examples/cookbook/`
* Working perl6 modules added to `ext/`
** CGI.pm
** lib.pm
** HTML::Entities
* Several Working Drafts added to `docs/`
** Apocalypse 20 - Debugging
** Synopsis 26 - Perl Documentation
** Synopsis 28 - Special Variables
** Synopsis 27 - Perl Culture (with CPAN drinking game rules)
** Synopsis 29 - Builtin Functions
* Early work on Perl 6 Object System in `docs/class/`

=== Bug Fixes

* Parens no longer required for; `last()` and `return()`
* Fixed issue with binding invocant parameters
* Fixed parsing issue with `lc $, $y`
* `$_` now behaves correctly in most cases
* `exit()` now triggers `END {}` correctly
* `undef $x` now works correctly ($x is rw)
* Fixed parsing of default parameters: `sub foo (+$x = 3, +$y = 4)`
* `say` and `print` now default to `$_`
* `map { ... } @list` now parses correctly
* `loop { ... }` no works correctly
* `int(3) + 4` now parses correctly
* Fix parsefail bug on false unaries
* `for (@list)` no longer flattens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* `$var.method $param` is now illegal: use `$var.method($param)`
* `readline()` is now strict in list context
* `$list.join('|')` now works
* `xor` and `^^` now short-circuits
* Named bindings to `%_` repaired

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